Spare The Rod Please!

“Spare the rod and spoil the child”, this is the quote I hear every time someone is abusing a child in the excuse of trying to discipline the child. But, how do explain molesting, inflicting pain and causing emotional trauma in a child an act of correcting a child’s misbehavior?

I am not saying a child should not be disciplined. But, should it always revolve around violence?

I understand that corporal punishment is the fastest way of getting a child to behave in an acclaimed acceptable manner, however, you must understand that this medium of discipline has negative influence on the behavioral development of the child.

Training a child can be very tasking especially when you have a child who has a mind of his own and wants things to always be done in his or her own way. sometimes you’ll get very angered and resort to using violence to get that child to corporate.

The problem is not getting the child to do your bidden, the issue is how do you correct this child without killing his or her self esteem?

I want to beg every parent and guardians on behalf of all children in the world to be like Jesus Christ and allow the children to be children especially now that they are on lock down with you at home to be themselves because it is people like them that have irreplaceable sits in heaven.

So, if these children have no faults with God, why then do we go extra miles trying to correct their so called perceived bad behaviors?

Like Martha, don’t be too busy using the rod and forgetting that the greatest commandment of all is LOVE.

Happy Children’s Day!

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